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CVHFH is always in need of new volunteers.  Can't swing a hammer.  NO PROBLEM!  CVHFH has multiple committees and administrative roles that need to be filled:


Committee Involvement

CVHFH has multiple committees that need to be staffed by volunteers in order to ensure our mission is completed. 

For instance:

Building Committee - determine what can be done and the costs

Family Selection and Support Committe - help support the families who need our service through education and mentoring



Habitat needs tools, building materials, and labor.  We have great partner organizations, and you can help coordinate those resources. 


IT Services

We always need help managing our website and social media applications.  In addition, we have tracking documents and other resources that could use IT minded individuals who could identify activities that streamline our processes.


Event Planning

If you have experience planning events, we need you.  Our team relies on fundraising and community support to sustain itself.  Events are a great way for us to keep Habitat in the community.


These are just a few ways you can help.  If you have a skill, we'll find a way to use it!  If you are interested, click the link to fill out our application.


Call us:


Find us: 

39 Heisers Lane, Carlisle, PA 17015

© 2015 Cumberland Valley Habitat for Humanity.  All Rights Reserved. Proudly created with

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